Projekt "Wald1" im Biesenthaler Becken
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Projekt im Biesenthaler BeckenProjekt "Wald1" im Biesenthaler Becken Termine: Status:
Entwicklung der Pflanzung28.08.2011The next report. Sadly, a high mortality amongst the Eichen since May 2010, but still a good strike rate for the Buchen. The gates are in good condition too. No real need either to cut back grass from around the saplings. Someone (BUND perhaps) has also hung a large number of Nistkasten on the trees surrounding the planting sites. Finally, Berit and I had a good view of a Wendehals (Eurasian wryneck), on Brandenburg red list but otherwise not threatened, while walking to the planting area from Bahnhof Rüdnitz. – Robbie Morrison Details plot #6 fence in good condition mostly Buchen, good strike rate plot #7 fence in good condition dry plot with Brennnesseln, but not sufficiently dense to affect saplings good strike rate, some saplings now 2m in height plot #8 fence in good condition around 20% mortality plot #9 we failed to find plot #9 this time! plot #10 fence in good condition around 80% mortality rate for Eichen, some near dead saplings have new leaves at the bottom the Buchen are mostly okay plot #11 fence in good condition a few Eichen doing well, but powdery mildew also present the Buchen are mostly okay The sick and dead Eichen in plot #10 look like their bark was attacked, either by a disease or by insects. Some of the bark has peeled back to reveal damage from boring insects which leave small neat holes. But no sign of animal grazing, say by mice in winter. Note the earlier comment that some near dead saplings have new leaves as the bottom of their stems only. 23.05.2010Berit Erlach and I helped plant some trees on this site on 07-Nov-2009. We revisited the site on 23-May-2010. Almost all trees look healthy. The gates are in good condition. Except for perhaps one plot (#11), no further work is currently necessary. - Robbie Morrison Details plot #6 fence in good condition no dead trees visible (but this is a large plot) some competition from weeds, but not worth cutting back plot #7 fence in good condition no dead trees visible some competition from nettles and weeds, but not worth cutting back plot #8 fence in good condition several dead trees visible, but these could be from the original planting no significant competition from weeds plot #9 fence in good condition no dead trees visible some competition from weeds, but not worth cutting back plot #10 fence in good condition 1 dead tree (from about 100) no completion from grass, bark chips are working well plot #11 fence in good condition 2 dead trees (from about 100) competition from ragwort (Senecio sp), should ideally be cut back 07.11.2010500 Buchen und 200 Eichen nachgepflanzt, Gatter repariert, teilweise mit Robinienrinde gemulcht. Siehe Projektseite Nachpflanzen im Biesenthaler Becken 21.06.2008In den vorherigen Monaten war es sehr trocken, gleichzeitig haben wir erfahren, dass einige Lärchen umgefallen sind. Unser Förster hat uns jedoch zugesichert, dass in den nächsten Tagen die Gatter repariert werden. Hier eine erste Einschätzung: Ein Gatter wurde sehr stark zerstört, jedoch kein Wildverbiss. Alle anderen Gatter sind in einem guten Zustand. Mehr als 2/3 der Buchen ist vertrocknet, viele offenbar erst vor kurzem. Wir überlegen, ob wir nachpflanzen und/ oder Bucheckern und Eicheln in den Gattern verteilen… Gatter 1 - hinten im toten LärchenwaldGatter 2 - nahe Weg am toten LärchenwaldGatter 3 - ganz hinten, untenGatter 4 - ganz hinten obenNoch geschlossen, der größte Teil der Buchen ist vertrocknet. Gatter 5 - ganz hinten vor Nr. 4Gatter 6 - großes Gatter am WegNoch geschlossen, der größte Teil der Buchen ist vertrocknet. |